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When does my project need to be registered?

Updated: Apr 20, 2022

Frequently, questions arise during projects concerning project registration with a HERS provider data registry. Specifically, a question that arises often is:

Does my project need to be registered with a HERS provider (e.g., CalCERTS or CHEERS)?

The final paragraph of section 2.2.1 of the 2019 Residential Compliance Manual sheds light on this question:

When HERS verification is required for compliance, the Energy Standards require all residential energy compliance documents to be registered with a HERS provider data registry.

This is again confirmed in the final paragraph of Section 9.5.2 of the 2019 Residential Compliance Manual:

If the CF1R includes energy measures that require HERS testing or verification, the CF1R must also be registered online with a HERS Provider before it is submitted for permit.

Therefore, we know that projects need only be registered with a HERS provider when HERS verification is required for compliance as noted on the CF1R.

C&S Energy Pro is committed to getting a fast turnaround on your Title 24 documents which will help ensure construction projects are completed on time and that consumers will be able to move into their homes quicker. Avoid the hassle of long wait times generally associated with Title 24 documentation and call us today!



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