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Title 24 Credits with Previously Permitted Building Components

Many architects and builders try to get creative with the application when applying for a permit to build an addition, alteration, or new structure. In some cases, they will try to offset the cost of the new project by including previously permitted components and utilizing these for credit, such as a high-efficiency furnace.

Unfortunately, compliance credits can be accounted for only within a single building permit. Previously permitted building components can't be used to offset new items on separate permits.

Take the example of a homeowner who already has a high-efficiency (96% AFUE) furnace. When modeling this as an existing furnace, the homeowner receives no credit. However, when changing this to an "altered" furnace (one that has been replaced), with the same efficiency, the homeowner receives substantial credit!

While this seems to unfairly punish homeowners who proactively upgrade their equipment to more efficient units, which seems contradictory to energy conservation goals, there is a good reason for it.

Continuing with this example, one reason for not allowing this is that there (currently) is no way of knowing if the 96% AFUE furnace was used to offset other less efficient components when it was permitted - the energy savings for the high-efficiency furnace could have been used to install less efficient wall insulation or windows for example. Today's building permitting system has no way of tracking energy efficiency credits between permits so existing components must be compliance neutral.

Achieving compliance with Title 24 can seem like a daunting task -by working with a qualified professional, you can ensure that your project meets all of the necessary requirements for compliance. C&S Energy Pro is committed to getting a fast turnaround on your Title 24 documents which will help ensure construction projects are completed on time and that consumers will be able to move into their homes quicker. Avoid the hassle of long wait times generally associated with Title 24 documentation and call us today!

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