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CARB To Ban on Sales of Gas Heaters, Furnaces, and Water Heaters by 2030

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recently announced a new comprehensive plan to meet federal ozone standards over the next 15 years, including a ban on new sales of natural gas heaters, water heaters, and furnaces by 2030. This measure is part of CARB's ongoing efforts to reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions across the state and protect public health.

One major goal of this plan is to transition homes and businesses away from natural gas-powered heating systems, which are a significant source of air pollution. To help achieve this goal, CARB will be implementing strict regulations on the sale of these devices as well as incentives for homeowners and businesses to switch to more climate-friendly alternatives, such as electric heat pumps or solar water heating systems.

Not only will this plan help to improve air quality within California, but it will also set an important precedent for other states and nations as we work towards addressing the pressing challenge of climate change. By banning the sale of natural gas heaters and furnaces within our borders, California has sent a clear message that we must move beyond fossil fuels if we want to protect our environment for future generations.

While gas furnaces and heaters will not go away overnight in 2030, they will only be able to be replaced by electric models.

While this will not have any impact on Title 24 compliance in the next code cycle, it has significant implications for code cycle revisions in the future.



C&S Energy Pro is committed to getting a fast turnaround on your Title 24 documents which will help ensure construction projects are completed on time and that consumers will be able to move into their homes quicker. Avoid the hassle of long wait times generally associated with Title 24 documentation and call us today!

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