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Benefits of Title 24

Title 24 sets up a series of outlines that all new buildings in the state of California will need to follow. It was written by the California Building Standards Commission to address many safety and security concerns for both the people building the homes as well as the people that will live in them.  Title 24 was made to keep California moving forward in energy development and safety. These raised standards for buildings will increase safety, improve energy efficiency, reduce waste and have much less of an environmental impact than previous building standards.

Title 24 is broken down into 12 parts that address the components of building infrastructure. For the most part, Title 24 is very similar to previous building codes and standards and is very similar in the safety features of other buildings across the United States. The most significant difference that people are talking about is from section 6 of Title 24.

Section six of Title 24 of the California Energy Code is what really sets it apart from previous sections. This section ensures that all energy used inside of a building is more efficient than prior requirements. As a consumer, this will make your environmental impact significantly less, and it will be cheaper to use electricity, water, and other utilities inside of the buildings. As more structures adapt and are brought up to the modern Title 24 code, the energy use in the state of California should go down, and the impacts to the environment should be lessened as more and more states adopt similar building standards.

As a consumer, this should only make things cheaper, as well as better maintained. Buildings that follow energy efficient codes will use less power, therefore, spend less money to support the premise that they operate in.


Homeowners and the environment will see the most benefit out of becoming Title 24 compliant. The projected annual energy use will be approximately 30% less than the previous standards, which is expected to save residents of California over $100 million every year!

A common misconception about Title 24 is that it only applies to the energy code, which is just not right. It was made to apply to every section of buildings to maintain a standard of health and safety, as well as making the building more accessible to a broader range of people. The higher standards of construction will make California a better place to live and do business in. At theforefront offorward thinking and development, Title 24 really puts California above the rest of the United States when it comes to building standards, efficiency, and safety.

C&S Energy Pro is committed to getting a fast turnaround on your Title 24 documents which will help ensure construction projects are completed on time and that consumers will be able to move into their homes quicker.  Avoid the hassle of long wait times generally associated with Title 24 documentation and call us today!

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