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2019 Energy Code: FAQ on PV for Detached Buildings

Updated: Sep 21, 2022

Does a new detached building classified as occupancy U (like a pool house, rec room, art studio, etc.) on a residential lot need to meet the solar PV requirements in Energy Code Section 150.1?


A conditioned, newly constructed building classified as U-building on a residential lot needs to meet the PV requirements in Section 150.1(c)14 of the Energy Code.

Using the prescriptive method, the annual PV electrical output Equation 150.1-C allows for an input of zero for the number of dwelling units. Using the performance method, the PV calculation is automated to at least one dwelling unit.

Can an existing photovoltaic (PV) system be used to meet the PV requirement for a newly constructed detached ADU?

No. The ADU must have a newly installed PV system to meet the requirements.

Can new PV modules be added to the existing PV system to meet the PV requirement for a newly constructed detached ADU?

Yes. New PV modules may be added to an existing system to meet the 2019 Energy Code requirements. The new PV modules must be part of the ADU’s permit application, sized per the Energy Code, and comply with other parts of the building code as applicable.

Can a new detached accessory dwelling unit (ADU) add PV modules to the existing PV on the main house if the ADU has a separate utility meter and the added PV kilowatts will not specifically serve the ADU?


Adding new PV modules to an existing PV system will satisfy the PV requirements in Section 150.1(c)14 as long as the added PV modules are on the same residential lot as the ADU.

The Energy Code does not regulate whether the added PV modules are serving the ADU meter or the main house meter. Any added PV modules must also comply with other parts of the building code as applicable.


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